Monday, August 13, 2007

Signs and Portents

Darfur and Sudan aren't going anywhere. One must continue blogging.

The word "WEST" looks like a packet. Or a bottle, I guess.

Western Sahara
Northwest Territories
North by Northwest
West Virginia
West London
West Village
West Germany
West Berlin
West Indies
West Palm Beach

Tibet (Xi Zang)

New Jersey
New Zealand
Simon Bolivar

The Atlantic Ocean
The word "thing", translated literally as 'East-west'. "Are you going to the seminar at the East-West Center?" -- No, I have another thing to go to.

Far Fetched
Paul Westerberg
Wes Unseld
Paul Westphal
Dianne Wiest


What are the Chinese doing all day, anyway?

"Only then, grasshopper, will you be able to snatch the pebble from my hand."

"Go west, young man."

"Rock of the Westies"

"West Side Story"

"And I'm standing at the gates of the west, blah blah blah, standing in the shadows, of the perfect crime."


Ex-‘Sopranos’ actor faces murder charge
Off-duty police officer killed in gunfight with burglars

I am pro-legalization. Why is this dude from The Sopranos messing with the global effort to relax various drug laws, along the lines of the Netherlands model? I would think that a person associated with The Sopranos could at least pretend to take this drug issue seriously. If a Soprano is acting like a spaz, what kind of example does it set for the rest of us?

If we liberal centrists don't manage the DEA, then the DEA will manage us, it sounds very uncomfortable, it is so obvious. DUH.

Why don't we manage Hollywood instead? Let's clean house! Why should Pat Buchanan have a perfect reason to cry on TV every Sunday morning?

This whole issue gets so very boring. It's like that question that men must answer: "Do you think this dress makes me look fat?" The answer to that question always involves a trip to a science website. If one is up against it as regards the future of "substances that should have the same legal status as Sam Adams Winter Ale" with people who are just being unreasonable, then please try to get some serious reading done. Just google "peer review anesthesiology". The result should look something like this:

Anesthesiology. 107(2):239-244, August 2007.

Reversal of Rocuronium-induced (1.2 mg/kg) Profound Neuromuscular Block by Sugammadex: A Multicenter, Dose-finding and Safety Study.

Clinical Investigations

Background: Reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade can be accomplished by chemical encapsulation of rocuronium by sugammadex, a modified [gamma]-cyclodextrin derivative. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of sugammadex in reversing rocuronium-induced profound neuromuscular blockade at 5 min in American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients.

Methods: Forty-five American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients (aged 18-64 yr) scheduled to undergo surgical procedures (anticipated anesthesia duration >= 90 min) were randomly assigned to a phase II, ..............


Why should one be a juvenile delinquent when there are so many thousands of articles like this available for free on the internet?

Take care.

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