Saturday, September 1, 2007

Don't face the new religion

Well, this blog is stuffed to the gills and I am tired of the green color. Nice color choice by Mekons on their new cd, just released, by the way. The new blog is entitled "Daoist Charms and Spells 2007: Football" and it is at
(see below). I will no longer be yoked with blabbing overmuchly about the media, I can add a lot of Asian advertising imagery, designed to sell a lot of stuff. Caveat emptor! And not to mention, the new blog uses a handsome multicolor format. To close this blog, here are some new eCommerce purchases:

Mekons: Natural
Busy Bee: Running Thangs
Camper van Beethoven: The big Carrot Juice and Cigarettes set's: Bomb the Twist
Bumblebeez: The Printz
Shinobu: Worstward Ho!
Wild Style original soundtrack

Please click ahead and have a nice day. The Transpacific Two-Way remains open. Thanks for reading.

New Blog:

Monday, August 13, 2007

Signs and Portents

Darfur and Sudan aren't going anywhere. One must continue blogging.

The word "WEST" looks like a packet. Or a bottle, I guess.

Western Sahara
Northwest Territories
North by Northwest
West Virginia
West London
West Village
West Germany
West Berlin
West Indies
West Palm Beach

Tibet (Xi Zang)

New Jersey
New Zealand
Simon Bolivar

The Atlantic Ocean
The word "thing", translated literally as 'East-west'. "Are you going to the seminar at the East-West Center?" -- No, I have another thing to go to.

Far Fetched
Paul Westerberg
Wes Unseld
Paul Westphal
Dianne Wiest


What are the Chinese doing all day, anyway?

"Only then, grasshopper, will you be able to snatch the pebble from my hand."

"Go west, young man."

"Rock of the Westies"

"West Side Story"

"And I'm standing at the gates of the west, blah blah blah, standing in the shadows, of the perfect crime."


Ex-‘Sopranos’ actor faces murder charge
Off-duty police officer killed in gunfight with burglars

I am pro-legalization. Why is this dude from The Sopranos messing with the global effort to relax various drug laws, along the lines of the Netherlands model? I would think that a person associated with The Sopranos could at least pretend to take this drug issue seriously. If a Soprano is acting like a spaz, what kind of example does it set for the rest of us?

If we liberal centrists don't manage the DEA, then the DEA will manage us, it sounds very uncomfortable, it is so obvious. DUH.

Why don't we manage Hollywood instead? Let's clean house! Why should Pat Buchanan have a perfect reason to cry on TV every Sunday morning?

This whole issue gets so very boring. It's like that question that men must answer: "Do you think this dress makes me look fat?" The answer to that question always involves a trip to a science website. If one is up against it as regards the future of "substances that should have the same legal status as Sam Adams Winter Ale" with people who are just being unreasonable, then please try to get some serious reading done. Just google "peer review anesthesiology". The result should look something like this:

Anesthesiology. 107(2):239-244, August 2007.

Reversal of Rocuronium-induced (1.2 mg/kg) Profound Neuromuscular Block by Sugammadex: A Multicenter, Dose-finding and Safety Study.

Clinical Investigations

Background: Reversal of rocuronium-induced neuromuscular blockade can be accomplished by chemical encapsulation of rocuronium by sugammadex, a modified [gamma]-cyclodextrin derivative. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of sugammadex in reversing rocuronium-induced profound neuromuscular blockade at 5 min in American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients.

Methods: Forty-five American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I and II patients (aged 18-64 yr) scheduled to undergo surgical procedures (anticipated anesthesia duration >= 90 min) were randomly assigned to a phase II, ..............


Why should one be a juvenile delinquent when there are so many thousands of articles like this available for free on the internet?

Take care.

Friday, August 3, 2007

In the case of petroleum, rock looks like an open end of a pipeline and oil looks like an oil derrick or refinery tower.

Sudan supports UN troops

From Taipei Times' site/NYT News Service, dated today:

Friday, Aug 03, 2007, Page 1
Sudan's foreign minister told reporters on Wednesday that his government supported the deployment of a UN peacekeeping force for Darfur, as authorized by the UN Security Council, while a number of countries in Africa, Asia and Europe volunteered to send troops to join it.

Nigeria, which already makes up the bulk of the 7,000-member African Union force in Darfur, pledged a fourth battalion of troops, and Senegal also said it would consider sending more troops if the soldiers had adequate means to protect themselves. Senegal had threatened to withdraw from the African Union peacekeeping force after five Senegalese soldiers were killed in an ambush earlier this year.

France, Indonesia, Denmark, Sweden and Norway also indicated that they were considering sending troops to bolster the force, which is expected to begin deploying late this year.

In other news:allAfrica:

Uganda: GTV Unveils Shs8.3 Billion 5-Year Sponsorship

The Monitor (Kampala)

4 August 2007
Posted to the web 3 August 2007

Douglas Bugingo, Lambert Rusoke, and Zohran Mamdani

PAY television service providers GTV and local football governing body Fufa, yesterday launched a five-year partnership that will see GTV inject US$5 million or Shs8.3b into local football as part of their sponsorship deal.

The package, which is the biggest ever in local football, was officially unveiled at Serena Hotel. Big names present included GTV founder Mr Julian McIntyre, General Manager Daniel Kagwe, Sports Minister Charles Bakkabulindi and Fufa President Lawrence Mulindwa.

GTV, which recently acquired rights to eighty percent of English Premiership matches telecast in Africa and was launched on June 22, will broadcast all Cranes, Kakungulu Cup, and National Super League games in the coming new season that starts in October.

Support your local stock exchange.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Espectacular !!! Petro Atlético bate Midle Earth 30-09-2006 23:25:17

Simplesmente espectacular, a equipa do Petro Atlético conseguiu bater o Midle Earth por uns expressivos 6 golos com 2 de resposta. Foi perante um estádio de 22994 adeptos a puxarem pela equipa da casa. O Petro não se intimidou por estar na condição de visitante e dominou o jogo, vencendo com uma certa facilidade.

Em conferencia de imprensa o treinador do Petro declarou: "Há males que vêem por bem, o nosso avançado lesionou-se e tivemos que optar por sustitui-lo, entrando Yannick Tetzel que resolveu o jogo com um hattrick. Na proxima jornada o calendário inverte-se e vamos poder receber já em nossa casa o Middle_Earth, o resultado de hoje não dá vantagem para a semana. Temos que respeitar o adversário sempre."

Resultado final: Middle_Earth 2 - Petro Atlético 6


Stonehenge 2 - Aston Villa 6

"JK Rowlings' Stonehenge Crusaders have been promoted to the Premier League."


Yang said China supports the U.N. Security Council resolution on authorizing the deployment of a hybrid force in Darfur.

From the Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company, dated July 29:

Chinese, British Foreign Ministers discuss Darfur over phone

BEIJING, July 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and his British counterpart David Miliband on Sunday

exchanged views on the situation in Sudan's Darfur region during a telephone conversation.

Yang said China supports the U.N. Security Council resolution on authorizing the deployment of a hybrid force in Darfur.

The Chinese foreign minister said the resolution should fully represent the consensus of the United Nations, the African

Union (AU) and the Sudanese government and help deploy a mixed AU-U.N. peacekeeping mission in Darfur as soon as possible.

Yang stressed that the international community should continue to support its "double track" strategy -- a balanced combination of political processes and the peacekeeping mission -- and to promote a complete settlement to the Darfur conflict.


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Zim & Zam

Watching Late Night with Craig Ferguson, the comic Will Marfori was on, and I became very creative and industrious. I put Marfori on the favorites list, as it's rare that a late night comedian will inspire one to get some work done.

At any rate, being an absolute beginner at African Studies and Asian Studies, it occurs to one to make an effort to organize one's thoughts. How would Spy Magazine handle the situation? Thus, Zim-babwe and Zam-bia, two important countries of Southern Africa that do a lot of mining and that border one another.

2 1/2 Men
David Letterman
Norman Lear Productions
Whitney Houston
Dean Martin


The Simpsons
Conan O'Brien
Bernie Mac
Jerry Lewis


Artists who seem to work with both concepts:
Elvis Costello
David Alan Grier
Adult Swim

The Robert Mugabe picture at allAfrica today looks so much like Alan Greenspan. Economics is the dismal science, especially when dealing with the challenges of transitioning from white Rhodesian rule to regular African rule in the pattern of South Africa. How exactly to manage? It certainly isn't easy.

Darfur Conflict Blog Seminar Notes

Having perused the headlines at, having re-watched Hotel Rwanda this afternoon and having read Wikipedia and source material on the French role in the Rwandan genocide and the story of the Darfur conflict, it seems to me that Stephen Spielberg may have a shot at staying on as the PRC's star Olympics advisor and growing his career in the process.

France's military had stayed in touch with the Hutus in Rwanda as the Belgian military had stayed in touch with the Tutsis. When things really turned, French sentiment of course united with Belgian sentiment to try to manage to stop the out of control genocidal process.

The Sudanese government is to Phil Spector as the Janjaweed shepherd people are to some out-of-control chick trying to take over Phil Spector's life.

There are two dreams here:

1 A bunch of Harry Potter fans who just can't take the news anymore (viz Mia Farrow) and who dream of Quiddich instead of soccer; and

2 Me, who dreams that Paul Shaffer will invite Phil Spector to move into his guest house so Phil just doesn't have to deal with these chicks anymore.

These dreams are real, and mildly ridiculous. As far as bureaucratic reality is concerned, consider the examples:

- Massachusetts Democratic Committee nominates for governor a man who tried to enforce an 11 PM curfew at Boston University, this president of Boston University then easily loses to Republican William Weld.

- San Diego Chargers, after having a 14-2 season in 2006, fire and/or lose most of their coaching staff for the 2007 season.

- Chinese and Asian oil companies, much hungrier for oil than their American counterparts, are left holding the bag of the Darfur conflict, despite their best efforts not to get into any political trouble; the American and Canadian oil companies who were also right in the middle of it are "Pontius Pilated" by Harry Potter fans in a fierce moral campaign.


At this point, the people of Darfur need support, the Sudan government needs support, and the unemployment rate of Sudan needs some support. I support both Amnesty Interational and the petroleum community in their efforts to help the situation.

As far as Southern Sudan is concerned, Uganda, which borders Sudan to the south, has struck a lot of oil, here is a link to an allAfrica article dated July 16 on the new revised estimates.


Mr Spielberg, the coast is clear to work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics, as the Time Magazine and LA Weekly of China have as clean an attitude about Sudan as their American counterparts have about whatever crap the American nation has gotten into.

And I hope you put your career first in what you decide to do, whether or not you decide to take time off from Indiana Jones 4, due for release in 2008, because the events of 60 and 70 years ago are so close, and it is so true:

Grief management - is no joke.


Note: In my work, I try to create discussion opportunity power, I don't want to sound too authoritative, nor do I wish to strike any nerves, I'm really sorry if I do.