Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Darfur Conflict Blog Seminar Notes

Having perused the headlines at Mingpao.com, having re-watched Hotel Rwanda this afternoon and having read Wikipedia and source material on the French role in the Rwandan genocide and the story of the Darfur conflict, it seems to me that Stephen Spielberg may have a shot at staying on as the PRC's star Olympics advisor and growing his career in the process.

France's military had stayed in touch with the Hutus in Rwanda as the Belgian military had stayed in touch with the Tutsis. When things really turned, French sentiment of course united with Belgian sentiment to try to manage to stop the out of control genocidal process.

The Sudanese government is to Phil Spector as the Janjaweed shepherd people are to some out-of-control chick trying to take over Phil Spector's life.

There are two dreams here:

1 A bunch of Harry Potter fans who just can't take the news anymore (viz Mia Farrow) and who dream of Quiddich instead of soccer; and

2 Me, who dreams that Paul Shaffer will invite Phil Spector to move into his guest house so Phil just doesn't have to deal with these chicks anymore.

These dreams are real, and mildly ridiculous. As far as bureaucratic reality is concerned, consider the examples:

- Massachusetts Democratic Committee nominates for governor a man who tried to enforce an 11 PM curfew at Boston University, this president of Boston University then easily loses to Republican William Weld.

- San Diego Chargers, after having a 14-2 season in 2006, fire and/or lose most of their coaching staff for the 2007 season.

- Chinese and Asian oil companies, much hungrier for oil than their American counterparts, are left holding the bag of the Darfur conflict, despite their best efforts not to get into any political trouble; the American and Canadian oil companies who were also right in the middle of it are "Pontius Pilated" by Harry Potter fans in a fierce moral campaign.


At this point, the people of Darfur need support, the Sudan government needs support, and the unemployment rate of Sudan needs some support. I support both Amnesty Interational and the petroleum community in their efforts to help the situation.

As far as Southern Sudan is concerned, Uganda, which borders Sudan to the south, has struck a lot of oil, here is a link to an allAfrica article dated July 16 on the new revised estimates.


Mr Spielberg, the coast is clear to work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics, as the Time Magazine and LA Weekly of China have as clean an attitude about Sudan as their American counterparts have about whatever crap the American nation has gotten into.

And I hope you put your career first in what you decide to do, whether or not you decide to take time off from Indiana Jones 4, due for release in 2008, because the events of 60 and 70 years ago are so close, and it is so true:

Grief management - is no joke.


Note: In my work, I try to create discussion opportunity power, I don't want to sound too authoritative, nor do I wish to strike any nerves, I'm really sorry if I do.

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