Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Wikipedia - I am not talking about the greatest anime encylopedia ever written, I am talking about the pride of the internet

From a discussion page in preparation for Version 0.7 of the Wikipedia on CD-ROM:

I haven't looked at the contents pages of versions .5 or .6. This is "Wars of Africa" being considered here. I would think that articles from the excellent Apartheid and History of Uganda series would be included already. In any event, South African Border War is part of the Apartheid series, which provides infobox links to Sharpeville Massacre, Soweto Uprising and many more military articles which have to do with what was nearly a civil war. As far as South African Border War is concerned, it is listed on this page as "B-Class" and I know from tangential reading that there is a lot that was going on during the years leading up to 1989, which is the end date of the time covered by the article; I think that the change from something of a traditional white society to a very integrated high-tech era white society in RSA is an ongoing event and as such is developing on the Wikipedia as it unfolds; I mention this here because I am sure excellent work will be done on the pre and post 1989-1992 eras as integration continues. And, I am interested in this topic but unfortunately at this time, sitting here in New England, I feel I don't really have the chops to seriously update and write in time for the next release version. --McTrixie/Mr Accountable 19:28, 29 May 2007 (UTC)

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