Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If you can't write, write a Wikipedia article...

Keep all lists of topics by country - Why discriminate between countries? At certain stages in one's study, these lists are invaluable. Perhaps User:_______ has simply not had the opportunity to use these lists to do his or her studies, as I and many others have. They are really useful, and if one tries to use categories to peruse a group of topics, one must constantly shift between pages of categories; it is a very unwieldy process. As far as the "much more comprehensive list(s) at Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/Watchlist" is concerned, it is so comprehensive as to be incomprehensible. And, in looking over the list in fine print at the top of the page, it seems that the countries are predominantly non-European......It makes no sense at all to delete these lists, I am sure if they are left in place they will grow....Why do deletion people always attack the things that other people use to get their work done? They must be the same people who go through other people's desks during the lunch hour or after everyone has left work. It is quite illogical; I am tempted to say "Keep your hands to yourself." --McTrixie/Mr Accountable 23:33, 24 April 2007 (UTC)

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