Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sunday Morning Baseball Review w/Beat Takeshi

It's easy to categorize and know the teams of Japan as the sportscasters and George Stephanopoulii and George Wills of Japan know them. It's wicked easy:

Central League

Chunichi Dragons - Chunichi = Center + Sun = Middle Kingdom + Kingdom of the Sun = China (as pertains to Japan)

Hanshin Tigers = Han + God = Han + Crossing = Korea/China + God/Crossing = Korean affairs

Hiroshima Toyo Carp = Porch island = Japan domestic contemplative pro-change Zen

Tokyo Yakult Swallows = Big city, = Kanto Area issues (Tokyo is located on Japan's biggest piece of flat land, the Kanto Plain; in this it's like Los Angeles, which is located on a large piece of hospitable land in the harsh desert of the Southwest of the US) = one is surprised to see people on tour buses gawking at the buildings in Tokyo..

Yokohama BayStars = Interracial; watching movies in Japan or America; travel

Yomiuri Giants = Stricly for Asians.....please obtain a library is free for American citizens... = One eats for cheap in Tokyo if one is a geek and spends all day in the library, as I did while I was there...they have cafeterias and if one is actually doing the reading, one gets a big plate of cafeteria-grade curry for $2...

Pacific League

Chiba Lotte Marines = 1000 leaves = I lived in Chiba; it's next to Tokyo, it has beaches that Tokyo poeople go to maybe 2 hours from the city; = Lotte, a Korean candy megacompany = Take it easy after work = Cheryl Crow likes to film at the beach = funny

Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks = Clean Nets = Internet = Softbank = High Tech Jidai = High Tech Dynasty (in case you wanted to know what dynasty it is nowadays)

Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters = rural interests, northern interests = North Sea roads = we would like to see the south

Orix Buffaloes Osaka = Osaka and Kobe = Kansai Area = Kansai issues (as opposed to Kanto issues - see Tokyo Yakult Swallows for comparison)

Seibu Lions Tokorozawa = Western Army = Tibetan Army, which down through the ages has traditionally allied itself w/the Mongolians = Central Asian issues incl Manchuko, the future of ice hockey in northeast Asia = Russian food, Mongolian barbecue, Beijing food

Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles = East + North + Raku heaven = Euro/Northeast Asian issues = The growth in technology due to having to build shelters in frigid climates = diplomacy


Sawamura Award Winners (w/NCAA English translation):

2001 - Matsuzaka was a Seibu Lion; what's the deal w/Free Tibet, should all those protesters learn Chinese?; I seem to think that Martin Luther King Jr and Chuck D have the best possible command of the English's all about getting it done....dude... === "UVM vs UCLA in the first round..I'm just not sure...Everyone would like to see Vermont progress, and it's not in the"

2003 - Igawa Kei was a Hanshin Tiger, how much fun is it to date a Korean Valley Girl? Well, you should take it seriously or it won't be very funny..."I don't feel like being all happy" is a theme I definitely remember... === "The Kansas Jayhawks have made a serious statement today, and Missouri is out of this tournament"

2002 - Koji Uehara was a Giant - "Uehara = Top Plain", "Koji = Mr Taiwan" - ...Taiwan, huh? Well, you don't have to mention it twice, my ass is at the library. === "Well, UMass is facing Princeton, it's not really a gimme,...."

Do you like the BayStars? Or is it the Giants - Maybe you want both.

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