Monday, April 23, 2007

Radio Free Europe

4:07 AM Sunday >> Monday

I dozed so solidly during most of Boston's historic 4-homers-in-a-row victory over New York, I was up at 2:39 and really had nothing at all to do. Nothing at all to do, except work. There is always a lot of mixed reggae on Sunday night-Monday morning in southern New England.

At any rate, I went ahead and completed and Jordan Ceramic is a good company, and Jordan Phosphate Mines is a prime example of the post-Americanized world; in this case, the company seems to have an overseas base in West Los Angeles, maybe UCLA.

5:03 AM

I have continued. Looking for "The Jordan Worsted Mills" on the internet, I found a company report authored by the Ahli bank first. So I wrote the article This is a great bank, I wish I could write a really long article. It has a lot more of the "Unified Arab Los Angeles Aesthetic" (UALAA) or "Unified Middle Eastern Los Angeles Aesthetic" (UMELAA); note the color of the logo, a color one sees everywhere in Los Angeles and presumably Amman; it is the color of landscaping. Note the cool, solid design and easy attitude of the logos. The Koreans contributed the bead seat to LA car culture; two Iranian men contributed the cardboard sun protector. Writing Ahli Bank and Jordan Phospate Mines has put me in the mind of waking up at 4 on Monday morning to buy coffee and the paper and go to work to talk on the phone back to the home office.

What a freakin' relief. My 75 downloads from eMusic arrived today, like Christmas once a month, I quickly pulled down stuff I had been thinking about getting, Varukers, a 4th Naked Raygun, Nomeansno, found some Afro Punk, bought the Lyres. And then, conscientiously reading through the written material (punk is very homework-intensive) I decided to look at the DC scene and found a Rush to the AC DC of Fugazi. Another headache I hadn't realized that I was suffering from. That city's culture is kind of important, so finding this "Trans Am" was a great move.

Also wrote "Salam International Trading and Transportation", it needs a little work.

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