Sunday, April 15, 2007

Turn off that TV and get some work done!

I wrote most of this article with the tv and radio on. I'm not sure what really happened in tonight's FOX Sunday Night Movie, but I usually work better w/o complete silence. It includes a long list that had to be reassembled, decapitalized, annotated and alphabetized, and some encyclopedic prose. I am sure it is quite error-free. I drank a liter of Pepsi and smoked at least 2 hand-rolled cigarettes during the commission of this work.

I learned so much from this exercise. In Jordanian corporate nomenclature, one hears words like "specialized" and "comprehensive", and one reads constructs typified by: "Jordanian Bank for Housing and Development", "Expatriate Investment for Real Estate" and "Arab East for Catering and Hotels".

So nice.

"The Amman Stock Exchange Market Capitalization Weighted Index".

3:59 AM - A Rerun of Meet the Press
Waking up after a deep nap, I check the List of Mideast stock exchanges and I notice that "Doha Securities Market" in Qatar does not even have a written article, let alone an article about its principal stock index, the DSM-20. A minute later a short article is written, and I need to decide whether to incude the DSM-20 article in the main article or to create a second article.

5:44 PM - Time to set sail
I completed with its list, it seems such a long time ago. Whatever shall I do? Consulting the "List of European stock exchanges" which I more or less authored, I find redlinks at Kazakhastan, Albania, Slovakia, Slovenia and more. Ljubljana Stock Exchange might be a good place to start. Trivia: A punk rock band from Ljubljana, named Laibach after the German name for the city, released a cover version of which Beatles album in its entirety? Answer: Let It Be. Time for decision to be made.

6:50 PM - Marge is on her way home
It's a little boring, actually I am listening to "Raygun...Naked Raygun", in which tracks 5,6,7 and 8 resemble Joy Division, X-Ray Spex, unrecognized but familiar and "Boys Don't Cry". And, Thomas Jefferson Slave Apartments' "Straight to Video", these guys have taken New York whininess (viz dB's, They Might Be Giants, Conan O'Brien, the Hoboken sound, the Knitting Factory sound) and made it rock. It's very nice because now I have confidence in the economy, it's time to take a look at the Columbus Blue Jackets. And, is halfway completed. It is mindboggling how cutie/crudie "Borat" cannot prepare one for how well realized post-Soviet corporate sites are constructed; this one is a prime example. See also Rostelecom, Southern Telecom, Wimm Bill Dan.

7:23 PM - When the entertainment ends, that's when the fun begins...
...It's a desperate, such a desperate, busy signal that we get! Who is TJSA talking about? "KASE" is more or less ready to go, for the time being. Time for another task. I am thinking of a stock exchange on the Mediterreanean. I am thinking of Jim Belushi. I am thinking of "Blood Simple". I am thinking of....the Tirana Stock Exchange.

8:15 PM - The dishes are done!
Or in this case, is done. The "TSE" hasn't finished preparing a page of listed companies, so that will have to wait. Working on all these company sites makes me want to visit. Years ago, listening to "a chill in the air or a war far away" on NPR, during the Kosovo Events, I actually called in to ask why they never mentioned the word "Shqip". I thought they were supposed to be smart, but they weren't interested.

I have a wikifeeling that "Tel Aviv Stock Exchange" or "TASE" is more or less fully wikirealized, so I will probably continue w/Slovakia or the like. I think the time is right, not for Deal or No Deal, but for an NHL Radio playoff game. AH. "No score through one at Nassau Coliseum."

9:09 PM - System of a Down - Is half complete, insofar as the complicated listings will be done tomorrow sometime. The article is perfectly serviceable, in case one needs to look up information on "Armex" this evening.

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