Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Zim & Zam

Watching Late Night with Craig Ferguson, the comic Will Marfori was on, and I became very creative and industrious. I put Marfori on the favorites list, as it's rare that a late night comedian will inspire one to get some work done.

At any rate, being an absolute beginner at African Studies and Asian Studies, it occurs to one to make an effort to organize one's thoughts. How would Spy Magazine handle the situation? Thus, Zim-babwe and Zam-bia, two important countries of Southern Africa that do a lot of mining and that border one another.

2 1/2 Men
David Letterman
Norman Lear Productions
Whitney Houston
Dean Martin


The Simpsons
Conan O'Brien
Bernie Mac
Jerry Lewis


Artists who seem to work with both concepts:
Elvis Costello
David Alan Grier
Adult Swim

The Robert Mugabe picture at allAfrica today looks so much like Alan Greenspan. Economics is the dismal science, especially when dealing with the challenges of transitioning from white Rhodesian rule to regular African rule in the pattern of South Africa. How exactly to manage? It certainly isn't easy.

Darfur Conflict Blog Seminar Notes

Having perused the headlines at Mingpao.com, having re-watched Hotel Rwanda this afternoon and having read Wikipedia and source material on the French role in the Rwandan genocide and the story of the Darfur conflict, it seems to me that Stephen Spielberg may have a shot at staying on as the PRC's star Olympics advisor and growing his career in the process.

France's military had stayed in touch with the Hutus in Rwanda as the Belgian military had stayed in touch with the Tutsis. When things really turned, French sentiment of course united with Belgian sentiment to try to manage to stop the out of control genocidal process.

The Sudanese government is to Phil Spector as the Janjaweed shepherd people are to some out-of-control chick trying to take over Phil Spector's life.

There are two dreams here:

1 A bunch of Harry Potter fans who just can't take the news anymore (viz Mia Farrow) and who dream of Quiddich instead of soccer; and

2 Me, who dreams that Paul Shaffer will invite Phil Spector to move into his guest house so Phil just doesn't have to deal with these chicks anymore.

These dreams are real, and mildly ridiculous. As far as bureaucratic reality is concerned, consider the examples:

- Massachusetts Democratic Committee nominates for governor a man who tried to enforce an 11 PM curfew at Boston University, this president of Boston University then easily loses to Republican William Weld.

- San Diego Chargers, after having a 14-2 season in 2006, fire and/or lose most of their coaching staff for the 2007 season.

- Chinese and Asian oil companies, much hungrier for oil than their American counterparts, are left holding the bag of the Darfur conflict, despite their best efforts not to get into any political trouble; the American and Canadian oil companies who were also right in the middle of it are "Pontius Pilated" by Harry Potter fans in a fierce moral campaign.


At this point, the people of Darfur need support, the Sudan government needs support, and the unemployment rate of Sudan needs some support. I support both Amnesty Interational and the petroleum community in their efforts to help the situation.

As far as Southern Sudan is concerned, Uganda, which borders Sudan to the south, has struck a lot of oil, here is a link to an allAfrica article dated July 16 on the new revised estimates.


Mr Spielberg, the coast is clear to work in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics, as the Time Magazine and LA Weekly of China have as clean an attitude about Sudan as their American counterparts have about whatever crap the American nation has gotten into.

And I hope you put your career first in what you decide to do, whether or not you decide to take time off from Indiana Jones 4, due for release in 2008, because the events of 60 and 70 years ago are so close, and it is so true:

Grief management - is no joke.


Note: In my work, I try to create discussion opportunity power, I don't want to sound too authoritative, nor do I wish to strike any nerves, I'm really sorry if I do.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

No Diggity by Blackstreet

E Commerce

E Commerce I:

A Plus - Preemix Volume One
Aceyalone - All Balls Don't Bounce Revisited
Hieroglyphics - Third Eye Vision
Boredoms - Pop Tatari

E Commerce II:

Strong Arm Steady - One Step/The Movement 12"
Slum Village - Slum Village Greatest Hits Volume 1


Bush Radio 89.5 FM from Cape Town ZA, $10 donation recommended.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Schindler Petroleum Operating Company

Let's get the hell out of here. - James Tiberius Kirk
你好,苏丹!!! = Hello, Sudan!


From the Taipei Times website:

Spielberg may step down as Beijing Olympics adviser

Saturday, Jul 28, 2007, Page 1
Director Steven Spielberg may step down as artistic adviser to next year's Beijing Olympics unless China adopts a tougher stance towards Sudan over the conflict in Darfur, ABC television said yesterday.

"Steven will make a determination in the next few weeks regarding his work with the Chinese," Spielberg's spokesman Andy Spahn told ABC television.

"Our main interest is ending the genocide. No one is clear on the best way to do this," Spahn said in an article that appeared on the network's Web site yesterday.

He said "all options were on the table," including resigning.

The director's final decision would depend also on a statement on Sudan by the Chinese government expected in the coming days, Spahn said.

"We expect to hear something from the Chinese government sometime soon, very soon," Spahn said.

"Steven is one [of] many advisers to the Beijing Games and he is trying to use the games to engage the Chinese on this issue. We are in the midst of that right now. We're engaged in a little bit of a back-and-forth private dialogue," Spahn said.

Spielberg came under criticism earlier this year from US actress and UNICEF goodwill ambassador Mia Farrow, who accuses China of lending financial support to Sudan as it backs militia attacks in the Darfur region.

"Is Mr. Spielberg, who in 1994 founded the Shoah Foundation to record the testimony of survivors of the Holocaust, aware that China is bankrolling Darfur's genocide?" she and her son wrote in a March commentary in the Wall Street Journal.

Farrow warned that the Oscar-winning director of the Holocaust film Schindler's List risked becoming a modern version of Nazi propaganda filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl, known for her 1936 Berlin games film Olympia.

"Leni Riefenstahl." Ok. May I just say WTF?

It also occurs to me to say something stupid and obvious like "It blows my mind that Mia Farrow doesn't understand how these things work." But we don't have enough time.

This whole paradigm of condemnation, abandonment and disaster is just too obvious to me. Has Ms Farrow seen Hotel Rwanda, where, towards the end, the hotel would have welcomed any help whatsoever? Or The Godfather Parts I & II? "You left Pop alone at the hospital?" Or The Excorcist? "Mommy, make it stop!" "How dare you keep me away from my daughter!" This WSJ article is the kind of geopolitical global strategizing that puts Bill O'Reilly in the driver's seat. The Republicans blamed Bill Clinton for 9/11. Is Farrow getting an early start on Barack Obama's legacy? Is she falling asleep at the switch already?

As for me, not only have I been working on wikipedia African university articles, I have been writing and working on articles such as White Nile Limited, White Nile Petroleum Operating Company, Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Company, Advanced Petroleum Company, Sudapak, and Sudapet. Not to keep mentioning Ms Farrow, but is she aware of how tuition bills get paid? Or, to continue, how lunch money is produced? Or car payments? Or how FTEs are created? But I am wasting time again.


Actually, Mr Spielberg, I would think that you should put your career first in this case. The Holocaust in Europe was only 60 years ago and I really think that the grief hasn't really sunk in yet here in 2007. I would use my best judgement, and the politics of Sudan today may be quite complicated. The Chinese oil companies (and Petronas, TotalFina, UAE oil companies; and the Canadian and American companies who have withdrawn from work in Sudan as a result of liberal fear) are really the main source of hope in this situation and if one isn't on board with reading Chinese then one may not have the ability to point to evidence produced in the paper every day to support one's presence in the 2008 Olympics, and to defend oneself from film industry attack.

On the other hand, the fact that China wants you (Mr Spielberg) to be there in 2008 means that they want you to present your view, and it is a good opportunity to help Asians to explain what they are trying to do in Sudan - which is more or less what Schindler was trying to do in the movie Schindler's List.

Of course, right now is not after the fact, as the movie was after the fact of the Holocaust. It is more or less "during the fact" and it is somewhat as difficult as the work of Mr Schindler was at the time.

Maybe, if Oskar Schindler had been forced to justify himself to someone such as Eleanor Roosevelt, in 1943 or 1944, he might not have been able to say very much about his project at the time.

It might be helpful to think of the situation in terms of NYPD Blue/Stephen Bochco instead of in terms of Dick Wolf. The Chinese, Malaysian and European oil companies, and the American and Canadian oil companies if it were possible for them to be there, are working night and day to put people on the ground and to create lots and lots of jobs in Sudan. Maybe the movie Mean Girls by Tina Fey, in which Tina creates and develops a calming, energetic presence at a troubled middle school, is a model for what is really happening there now.

Not to sound like a jerk, but why does Frank Sinatra's ex-wife have a commanding voice in Steven Spielberg's career?; Mike D, Ad-Rock and MCA might be a more reliable source of guidance. Or Manny, Moe and Jack. Or Larry, Moe and Curly. Anybody, anybody, take military advice from anybody -- anybody except for Mia Farrow.

And in related news, why aren't these guys playing soccer instead of jacking around with guns in the middle of the woods? How will DRC produce a George Weah or a Didier Drogba if this stuff is going on? Picture is from SABC story "Volatile DRC distresses Security Council" dated July 24.


Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo en:Wiki

Petroleum in Africa at Africa, Asia America blog

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

Part I: Movie

I was wondering if I would be disillusioned when I saw this. I saw Don Cheadle on late night talk shows twice during the last week, and the first 15 minutes of the movie was very good. I decided to go ahead and watch, if I was uncomfortable with the movie, which is possible, I can just turn on some Talib Kweli or Hot 106. No problem, man. Just press play.


Well. I think I'll keep this for a few days more, and put the Untold Story of Stewie Griffin in the mailbox for tomorrow. It's time to watch the commentary version, this movie has a Star Wars or Sound of Music type of ending, not too sweet or diabetic, more like common sense than a feeling of joy. Workday friendly, in other words. Nick Nolte is pretty good, and Don Cheadle....is an important leader.

As an expat, the tone of this movie is the tone of my life anyway; the world is my home. When I first left the US, to Tokyo, a few months later the events at Tiananmen occurred. I never lived through anything like this where I ever was at the time, but it's a like setting. And when I started reading Chinese in 1991, I really knew, it was the same feeling in the US, under the newpaper crime blotter and NYPD Blue, the same kind of things were occurring in a different way.

Entering the US from East or Southeast Asia, one might get the feeling of being at a grain elevator complex, at the Arrivals area of the airport, it seems stultified in comparison, like a Hallmark card; I like the Asian equivalent of the Hallmark card, the site http://www.qq.com/ is a good example.

Part II: Tourists are money - Lydon

Hotel des Mille Collines official site - C'mon, yuppie!

From: Wikitravel::Rwanda
Rwanda [1] is a relatively stable Central African country, and although not easy to get to, it is relatively easy, safe and simple to travel around. It is landlocked, surrounded by Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west.

It's been 12 years since the genocide that devastated this tiny country, and it's come a long way. Shake off your memories of war and expect a warm and friendly welcome to a beautiful country.....

(Not sure if the tone and diction of the first paragraph of this Wikitravel article is very sensible; Rwanda may be an inland nation but its nickname is "Land of 1,000 Lakes", and Lake Kivu forms 15% of its international boundary.)
Other destinations
[+] Get in
By plane
By car
By bus
Get around
Stay safe
Stay healthy
Contact ....


From Lonely Planet:Rwanda
When To Go
Unless you literally want to soak up the atmosphere, the only time that is not ideal for visiting Rwanda is when the long rains descend from mid-March to mid-May.

(This makes no sense, but I think I can translate: If you are in a relationship, or if you want to read or write or work, on your computer or otherwise, mid-March to mid-May is an ideal time to visit Rwanda. In my experience it's an ideal time anyway.)

Bradt Travel Guids...take the road less traveled::Rwanda

2 Comedies

Trey Parker and Matt Stone's team, the South Park team, produced Team America:World Police. Very good.

Family Guy presents: Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story. Very good.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Eel and Dolls

These two Japanese movies are very good. Available at Netflix' Watch Now.


1 - 5 Mr Accountable

As pre-Sony "Made in Japan" is to Charles Bukowski, so post-Ichiro "Made in Japan" is to Mr Accountable. Someday we'll be using electronic paper.


The Siberian flags (Ust Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug and Respublika Sakha) add the right look. If only the Asians had been able to come up with a picture language....

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mas Informaciones Practicales

In reflecting on 30 Rock and people who may make cameo appearances or get mentioned on the show, the ejercicio continues.

22 + 23 Conan

El icono de la estación representa dos banderas de los avisos de navegación que los aztecas pusieron en el lago de Texcoco. Pantitlán es un vocablo náhuatl que significa entre Banderas.

The icon of the station represents two flags of navigatory advisory, used by the Aztecs on Texcoco Lake.

24 + 25 Deborah Messing

26 + 27 Regis

28 + 29 Tim Robbins

30 + 31 Susan Sarandon

Valle Gomez: El icono de la estación representa una planta de agave. Se identifica a la estación por el apellido Valle Gómez de los dueños del potrero llamado La Vaquita, lugar donde abundaban los magueyes.

The icon represents an agave plant. This plant is used to produce tequila.

32 + 33 Dave

33 + 34 Elaine Benes

35 + 36 Tim Reid

塞維利亞 Sevilla, Spain. What does this word mean? Hmmmmm.

37 + 38 Jay

39 + 40 Lewis Black

Cuidad Deportiva se sitúa al oriente de la ciudad y está delimitada por el Circuito Interior, la Avenida Río Churubusco, el Eje 3 Sur y la Avenida 8. Es el centro deportivo más grande de México. Cuenta con 48 canchas de fútbol, 2 albercas, 1 autódromo, 6 canchas de tenis, 6 de jockey, 6 de béisbol, canchas de básquetbol, voleibol, estadio, gimnasio, pista de patinaje y una escuela de educación vial. Tiene una superficie de 2,300,000 m2 y pueden utilizarlo medio millón de deportistas simultáneamente.

41 + 42 Jon Stewart

43 + 44 Jon Stewart II

45 + 46 Adam S

El icono de la estación representa la silueta del busto del General Lázaro Cárdenas.
Lázaro Cárdenas del Río nació en le pueblo de Jiquilpan, en el Estado de Michoacán el 21 de mayo de 1895. Al terminar su instrucción primaria el recaudador de rentas lo empleó en su oficina y lo aficionó a la lectura. Ello, le valió para que más tarde fuera empleado en una imprenta. En 1925 es Comandante Militar del Sector de Tampico y estando en ese puerto, conoce al detalle las maniobras de las compañías petroleras.

Lazaro Cardenas was born in Jiquilpan in Michoacan in 1985. He was a general and in 1925 was the principal actor in activity related to the petroleum companies.

El icono de la estación representa una mazorca fe maíz.
Esta planta gramínea es originaría de América, se concentra para su venta en la zona cercana en lo que ahora se conoce como mercado de Jamaica.
Las Jamaicas eran unas fiestas muy antiguas que se llevaban a cabo en las plazas de toros. En el sitio que ocupa el mercado de Jamaica existió una de ellas, en los alrededores se levantaban unos puestos bellamente adornados con arcos de hierbas, de flores y de aromáticas ramas. En estos puestos se vendía el indispensable mole de guajolote, el pato fiambre, quesadillas, tacos, etc. y como bebidas refrescantes había enormes tinajas con aguas rojas, verdes, amarillas y azules.

The icon of this station represents a mazorca fe maiz. This plant originated in America, its sale was concentrated in the zone of what is now the Jamaica Market. The Jamaicas were ancient fiestas that were held in conjunction with activity at the plazas de toros. Jamaica Market had beautiful adorned woman w/herbs, flowers and aromatic materials; products available at the market includeda a mole de guajolote, pato fiambre, quesadillas and tacos et cetera. Beverages included masssive vats of red, green, yellow and blue water.

Paul Schaffer

Kathy Griffin

El icono de la estación representa la silueta de un coyote, Coyoacán es un vocablo Náhuatl que significa lugar de coyotes. Coyohuacan, fue fundada por los toltecas entre los siglos X y XII DC. También fue capital de la Nueva España cuando Hernán Cortes se estableció después de la destrucción de Tenochtitlán y donde se dio tormento a Cuauhtémoc, último emperador azteca. El círculo al centro del símbolo representa el ojo de Agua, por los manantiales que ahí existían.

The circle at the center is a symbol of the eye of water.

Cosmo Kramer

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Inspirational Project

Listening to Atmosphere's You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having, I realized I needed some practice.



Planet Asia Jewelry Box Sessions (2007)
Dilated Peoples Third Degree/Global Dynamics

Monday, July 16, 2007

TV Blogging

Dave and Jay seemed to be interested in pretty girls tonight, Conan spent some time talking about religion, it was so funny, the band was ultranice so I switched over to Craig Ferguson, the band was interesting, reminded me of The The. Listening to Hong Kong RTHK radio, the UK expatriate community there provides so much material on what would be called college radio in the US; it is certainly refreshing, in the same way that Colin Newman can be more refreshing than Beck.

30 Rock::Tracy Does the Conan Show

Another great episode of course. It is difficult to understand how Liz Lemon can be cohabitating with Dennis on a part time basis. I suppose for her character, she is interested in stereotypes originating from either the University of Oklahoma or from Stanford, based on her romances of Season 1.

This episode tackles the difficult subject of mental health medication. If one could imagine our technological empire of pharaceuticals as being based on caricatures of Tracy and people like the Slingblade guy saying "Yes" and "No" to doctors to whom they would say anything that sounded right, one sees that all that stock market pharaceutical money is resting on quicksand that could not be any jelloier. And that's a lot of money! The answers that constitute the studies that justify the medications to the courts and to the government grant-readers are as reliable as Lemon's answers to Jack Donaghy when he asks about his bet on the Pittsburgh Penguins game or when he wants an opinion on his wife's wig.

Mexican Studies 101::Populist Literature: translating 30 Rock into easy-to-understand, widely recognized symbols.

18 + 19 The page

20 + 21 Tina's two boyfriends from Season 1