Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

Part I: Movie

I was wondering if I would be disillusioned when I saw this. I saw Don Cheadle on late night talk shows twice during the last week, and the first 15 minutes of the movie was very good. I decided to go ahead and watch, if I was uncomfortable with the movie, which is possible, I can just turn on some Talib Kweli or Hot 106. No problem, man. Just press play.


Well. I think I'll keep this for a few days more, and put the Untold Story of Stewie Griffin in the mailbox for tomorrow. It's time to watch the commentary version, this movie has a Star Wars or Sound of Music type of ending, not too sweet or diabetic, more like common sense than a feeling of joy. Workday friendly, in other words. Nick Nolte is pretty good, and Don an important leader.

As an expat, the tone of this movie is the tone of my life anyway; the world is my home. When I first left the US, to Tokyo, a few months later the events at Tiananmen occurred. I never lived through anything like this where I ever was at the time, but it's a like setting. And when I started reading Chinese in 1991, I really knew, it was the same feeling in the US, under the newpaper crime blotter and NYPD Blue, the same kind of things were occurring in a different way.

Entering the US from East or Southeast Asia, one might get the feeling of being at a grain elevator complex, at the Arrivals area of the airport, it seems stultified in comparison, like a Hallmark card; I like the Asian equivalent of the Hallmark card, the site is a good example.

Part II: Tourists are money - Lydon

Hotel des Mille Collines official site - C'mon, yuppie!

From: Wikitravel::Rwanda
Rwanda [1] is a relatively stable Central African country, and although not easy to get to, it is relatively easy, safe and simple to travel around. It is landlocked, surrounded by Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west.

It's been 12 years since the genocide that devastated this tiny country, and it's come a long way. Shake off your memories of war and expect a warm and friendly welcome to a beautiful country.....

(Not sure if the tone and diction of the first paragraph of this Wikitravel article is very sensible; Rwanda may be an inland nation but its nickname is "Land of 1,000 Lakes", and Lake Kivu forms 15% of its international boundary.)
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From Lonely Planet:Rwanda
When To Go
Unless you literally want to soak up the atmosphere, the only time that is not ideal for visiting Rwanda is when the long rains descend from mid-March to mid-May.

(This makes no sense, but I think I can translate: If you are in a relationship, or if you want to read or write or work, on your computer or otherwise, mid-March to mid-May is an ideal time to visit Rwanda. In my experience it's an ideal time anyway.)

Bradt Travel Guids...take the road less traveled::Rwanda

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