Sunday, July 8, 2007

Millenium Mambo

Pourin' on the metaphor - PE
What does it mean? What does anything mean? - PiL
It's always just about right here; it's always just about right now - Lungfish

This is a really great movie, it was made in Taiwan in 2001 and as is usual with the movies I like, it made me feel like working; it delivers energy in a clever, effective way. The movie stars Shu Qi who reminds me of Jang Nara and or Jeon Ji Hyun. The movie certainly seems to be as good as some of the Korean movies that have constituted the main drive of Asian cinema for the last 10 years. Millenium Mambo seems to start to shift its flow towards the end of the movie, when "the issue of someone having made some of Stonehead's money disappear" is broached. Available at Netflix Queue and Watch Now.

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