Friday, July 13, 2007

TV Blogging

I watched Dave Letterman tonight, it was pretty good. Usually I watch Jay Leno at 11:35 but I was a little tired of it. Jeanine Garafalo and They Might Be Giants are on Conan; Jeanine was pretty good, I am sure TMBG will also be pretty good. It's like the Triple Witching Hour of white bread liberal empowerment. Excellent. I saw They Might Be Giants in Boston at The Paradise theatre in 1987; there were only a few people there as the show began and three songs in, a woman experienced a bout of syncope. She fainted and left with a friend. 8 months later the band was back, and I walked down to the theatre to go to the show, and for some reason their super brighly colored plastic sound was changed to a more natural sound, more like Busta Rhymes or Guided by Voices' Vampire On Titus, like changing from white bread to wheat bread.

Wow. Their new song "I'm Impressed" sounds more like their first album than most anything I've heard in a long time.

Clicking to, one finds that 30 Rock episodes are all available there. Excellent, I will watch them all before The Rule of Law returns to the website.

Carson Daly is very good for one's music appreciation. The show goes good with bands like Gas Huffer and other West Coast stuff. There is some kind of difference in the demographics of European-Americans and Asian-Americans, including people who walked here to this continent 11,000 years ago from Northeast Asia.

These Mexico City subway station icons may help express some figures in the blog entry:

1 Carson Daly
2 Jeanine Garafalo
3 30 Rock
4 My coffee maker

The Mexican government has assembled a set of pictures for their subway system, so very thoughtfully, as thoughtfully presented as the words on an Asian map or subway system. Asian can express every emotion in a word or two; there are many idiosyncracies and conventionalizations involved, making this language useful for news stories, science textbooks, advertising, fashion, novels, history, government, et cetera; "reading" the Mexican government's subway sign system gives one a new appetite for homework and study; the two actually have something to do with each other.

More talk about Paris Hilton tongight. Putting together the real picture, from Jay Leno's commentary expecially, one supposes she is a woman who jacks guys professionally and then screams joyfully. Great. The crime pages are full of this crap, dudes and their ladies at the end of the line, slogging hypnotized through apartments and rented rooms, alcohol is involved, the non-violent nature of the struggle between the pair grows boring and then there is a fight, the guy normally wins these fights. Dudes need to avoid this kind of situation absolutely in the first place, bands like Black Flag, The Motards, and of course the Dead Boys definitely satisfy the appetite for crappy experience in a clever, fun, non-painful way. If my rap collection was as well-developed as my punk rock collection, I could drop a few rap names here as well. She's Sophisticated!

Poker After Dark, I watch 3 or 4 times a week if my schedule permits it. It is very reassuring to see the professionalism, sportmanship and conversation that goes on on this show. Baseball players, football players et cetera are as experienced in organizing their thoughts as are the poker players; the nature of the game of poker makes it obvious how game discipline can lead to personal excellence. Some of the conversations going on at these tables go far past interesting. What a great show.

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