Monday, June 4, 2007

All New Conversation Topics

I put these up to see how they look in public, for any potential readership that would be interested, to take a look. New material needs to be processed, ruled out, antecedents and precedents sorted through; beer, coffee, food, sleep. If it's funny it's funny. There is a lot of source material like "Word Oceans" from the year 200, books with 22,000 volumes from the Tang Dynasty, the crest of invention in newspapers and journals in 2007, this blog, other blogs, et cetera.

The words that have been chosen for all these places extantly, the choices are excellent, very interesting, I've learned a lot. I've been marinating in this European American stew for hundreds of generations, I thought it was a good idea to toss my two cents in. Not to mention, all Chinese place names have nicknames that people actually use. We've got the Big Apple and the Sunshine State, we've also got Shaky Town and the Keystone State, names that don't get much run outside their sector of people. Think of a name for your state or town. Jim Rome's a good source; the ATL, Crapchester, Bugaha, he's very good, one wants to figure it out in a foreign language, if possibe.

All for the sake of Global Integration. That's a good name for a company, better than Accountable Finance.

I know readers can't start with this, think about Coca Cola, Panasonic and Excedrin. Starbucks. Green Bay Packers. The ATL. Flavor Flav.

The big plus sign, which means "ten" and has Judeochristianesque overtones; and the confident happy baka guy, are two good themes to rely on. RI means Rhode Island.

Still haven't figured out New Jersey.

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