Thursday, June 28, 2007

To continue with my discussion of our varsity world and the expectations of a Conan tv audience for whom our military future is of paramount importance, websites in Iraq are easy to find using wikipedia's article "Iraq"; the links are at the end of the article in the section "External links".

Skipping the official government page, of which I could not find the "English" link, although I am sure there is one somewhere (from my vast experience in looking at international websites) I clicked "Ministry of Industry and Minerals". Oil is a mineral, I am sure. There was link for the ministry of foodstuffs (within the Ministry of Industry and Minerals) and I was feeling hungry. A label read "Department of Edible Oils and Gees". Jay likes this kind of thing, and I am sure he and his people always read through, he usually sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I didn't think, I linked, and Gee is of course Ghee, it is a pan-Arabic and Indian word. Gee is not just clarified butter, it is also vegetable oil and hard vegetable oil. Clarified butter is virtually indestructible when left on a shelf in a tropical climate. These Gees must have the same power. It's a vegetable Gee anyway.

Cosmetics are listed in the same department, cosmetics are made using palm oil, don't feel bashful about making industry easy to understand by putting oil and oil-created products in the same internet department.

Palm oil is used to cook with and it is made into soaps and shampoos. I suppose one could buy some palm oil, whose chemical name is lauritic acid, and make one's own sodium lauryl sulfate, it can't be too difficult. Get some almond extract or some flowers from the garden and one has one's own shampoo. This goes under the category of making one's own cola or one's own alarm clock. My dad signed me up for "Discovery of the Month Club" from Scientific American when I was 9 or 10, some of those projects were pretty good. Build a small electric motor or a small geodesic dome. It's important to know how to do so.

The State Company for Textile Industries is also important. Jay Leno talks a lot about how English is used around the world. My Chinese sounds similar to the English language examples he uses on the show. Everyone knows that the word "Matsui" isn't pronounced "Motsuey", right? It is funny, like seeing a beginning hockey player try to lift the puck.


1 comment:

Penpal Andrew said...

This is the only reference I found on the Internet for Discovery of the Month club. I would think other people would have remembered this from their childhoods.