Friday, June 15, 2007

A Bout de Souffle

Breathless; or Painless, as in "This movie is of such quality so as to watch it is relatively painless, insofar as it is made in 1959/1960, it is French, and it has jazz on the soundtrack." It is the first film of Jean Luc Godard, written with Francois Truffaut, and it is beat like Jack Keroouac. It's a case of "if one doesn't know much about jazz, one wants to have Miles Davis' Kind of Blue; if one doesn't have an Elvis Costello album, Imperial Bedroom is a good one to get; if one doesn't know punk rock, London Calling is a good place to start; if one is confused about rap, head right over to Public Enemy's first two records. In the case of Bob Dylan, do you like New York - Blonde on Blonde - or SoCal - Bringing it All Back Home - or suburbia - John Wesley Harding - or et cetera...?"

If one is not in love with a genre, one needs to get a good first impression, if one hasn't got the time, one doesn't want to waste one's time. I like French beat films, this one is airy, moves right along, the director and writers make the effort to present something that lots of people can enjoy.

It might be worth it to think of it this way: If a person didn't know much about baseball and wanted to know who to root for, what kind of advice should they get? It pays to market the material that you know and love. Available at Netflix.

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